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Sports Premium

Sports Premium 2024

The Sports Premium Grant is additional funding from the Government to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. It is also for improving the health and wellbeing of primary pupils.


The breadth of our sporting provision is enhanced by the South Ribble Sports Partnership and Amaven. By joining with other schools in the local area, we are able to purchase these coaching services through our Sports Premium Funding. A wide range of sport is provided and opportunities for both competitive sport and celebrations are built into the annual programme.


End of Year Sports Premium Report 2020/21

Please click through to read our report for 2020 - 2021.

End of Year Sports Premium Report 2019/20


Sports Premium Statement Academic Year 2019 - 20


Sport Premium Funding is there to help schools achieve self-sustained improvements in PE and sports.

Our school is using the money to make long lasting changes that ensure the continued development of PE teaching, activities, and opportunities. The goal is to enhance current resources and diversify the range of sports available to pupils.

With this funding, we can ensure every child has the chance to live a fit and active life.

In this report, the school breaks down Sport Premium spending. We outline our purchases and how they relate to the 5 Key Indicators of Improvement:

1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles.

2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.

3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching and sport.

4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.

5. Increased participation in competitive sport.

Our school was awarded the Gold Sports Mark in July 2019


Our school went into lockdown in March 2020. This of course impacted on the sports provision that children were able to access. However through our remote learning we promoted fitness and P.E. through the online Amaven programme. The core skills of the children from Years 1 – 6 had been assessed in the Autumn term and each child was able to access a bespoke programme with activities designed to improve and develop these skills.

PE and Sport Premium Breakdown

Our school was awarded £17,790 in Primary PE and Sport Premium Funding.

During the 2019/20 school year, we made the following purchases:

Amaven PE Software – £1440

Teacher PE CPD – no cost through Amaven Programme and South Ribble Sports

Improvement to the playground  tyres – soft-pour surface £4379 – (c/f from this year plus funds from next year’s Sports Premium totalling £10,370)

Repairs to the Trim Trail - £1350

Thermo plastic playground markings – for netball and zoning - £1,620

Sport and PE annual Update: £150

Specialist Sports Coaches £650 Chance to Shine Cricket

After Schools Clubs – no cost

Active Coaching Programme £1750 through South Ribble Sports

Water Bottles – whole school - £537

Mental Health and Wellbeing:

Family Support Worker £4905

Educational Psychologist support: £1009


Key Indicator 1: The Engagement of all Pupils in Regular Physical Activity


Objective: Ensure every pupil takes part in a minimum of 30 minutes physical activity every day in school

Actions: Movement of the Day, home activity plans, highly active PE Lessons, teacher CPD, Daily K, remote learning  access to Amaven

School Spending: Improvements to Playground: PE and zoning equipment £7,349

School Results: This year pupils were only assessed in the first term due to the COVID lockdown.  Pupils are normally assessed three times each year by Amaven coaches. Each family can access their child’s bespoke activity area online. Further activities are suggested for home. Therefore P.E. ‘Homework’ now has a high profile.

Plans for the Future:

Further promote the use of Amaven both in school and at home.


Key Indicator 2: The Profile of PE and Sport being Raised Across the School as a tool for whole school improvement

Objective: Raise awareness about the impact of PE and sport. Ensure pupils and parents understand the benefits of engagement. Remote learning  access to Amaven

Actions: Broader range of lesson plans, school games, dashboards for teachers, dashboards for parents and pupils, impact reports, gifted and talented pathways, extra support for emerging pupils, sports clubs at lunchtime and after school, Movement of the Day.

School Spending: Through the Amaven Programme – £1,440.

School Results: Improvement in the quality of P.E. lessons. Greater understanding for staff of children’s development of core skills.

Plans for the Future: P.E. is part of the School Improvement Plan / Recovery Curriculum.


Key Indicator 3: Increased Confidence, Knowledge and Skills of All Staff in Teaching PE and Sport


School Objective: To build confidence among teachers and ensure all staff members have a good understanding of physical literacy.

School Actions: Our teachers have access to interactive PE lessons with video content. Visual demonstrations of new tasks and activities. We have improved our PE curriculum and assessment framework. PE teachers are receiving more support resources. All teachers are being trained in movement skills, physical literacy, and the delivery of active lessons.

School Spending: Active Coaching Programme South Ribble Sports £1750

School Results: Teachers report increased engagement with the PE curriculum. They are confident in their abilities and look forward to delivering active lessons. There is less concern for the future, because staff know they can continue to upskill

Plans for the Future: Continue to upskill teachers, especially new members of staff. Continue to access high quality CPD.



Key Indicator 4 - Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils


School Objective: To provide pupils with a broader selection of sports and physical activities.

School Actions: A wider range of sports is offered through coaches in extra-curricular activities e.g. fencing, cricket, taekwando. Teachers continue to offer a wide range of sporting activities. During the year clubs have included: Football (mixed teams), netball (mixed teams), cross country, tennis and multi-skills. Through the Year 6 residential, a wide range of outdoor pursuits would normally be offered, including: caving, canoeing, climbing, abseiling, hiking, orienteering. This residential was sadly cancelled due to the national restrictions.

School Spending: Active Coaching Programme South Ribble Sports £1750, Chance to Shine Cricket £650

School Results: There was a high take up of the extra-curricular activities up to the national lockdown.

Plans for the Future: Continue to promote a wide range of sporting activities. Reintroduce the Y6 residential, if / when national restrictions are lifted.


Key Indicator 5 - Increased participation in competitive sport


School Objective: To increase participation in competitive sport

School Actions: Competitions are normally accessed throughout the year. These would include: netball, cricket, Ollerton Cup (football), swimming.

Our Sports Day continues to be competitive to allow all children to experience competitive sport. This was cancelled due to COVID restrictions and limited year groups being in school in the last half of the summer term. i.e. Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.

School Spending: Sports Competitions through Brownedge St. Mary’s High School – cancelled due to COVID restrictions, transport

School Results: Competitions cancelled due to COVID Restrictions

Plans for the Future: Increase the number of children given the opportunity to take part in competitive sport.



Swimming Information

Following the national lockdown our Year 5 children were unable to attend swimming lessons. We were also unable to finally assess the swimming skills of our Y6 children. The weaker swimmers leaving in Year 6 missed out on additional lessons from March through to July due to the national lockdown.

The percentage of our Year 6 children, who left in July 2020, who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m was 86%.

The percentage of our Year 6 children who can use a range of strokes effectively (Freestyle, Backstroke and Breaststroke) was 76%.

The percentage of our children Year 6 children who can perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations was 76%


Mental Health and Well Being

We promote mental health and well-being in our school, this is embedded in the PE and Sports Provision. For example through mindfulness, growth mindset and bespoke support for the most vulnerable through counselling, our Family Support Worker and Educational Psychologist. It is a key element of our Recovery Curriculum. 

School Spending: Mental Health and Wellbeing:

Family Support Worker £4905

Educational Psychologist support: £1009

Both our Family Support Worker and EP continued to work through the lockdowns, providing invaluable mental health and well-being support to several families.




End of Year Sports Premium Report 2018/19


Sport Premium Funding is there to help schools achieve self-sustained improvements in PE and sports.

Our school is using the money to make long lasting changes that ensure the continued development of PE teaching, activities, and opportunities. The goal is to enhance current resources and diversify the range of sports available to pupils.

With this funding, we can ensure every child has the chance to live a fit and active life.

In this report, the school breaks down Sport Premium spending. We outline our purchases and how they relate to the 5 Key Indicators of Improvement:

1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles.

2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.

3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching and sport.

4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.

5. Increased participation in competitive sport.


Our school was awarded the Gold Sports Mark in July 2019


PE and Sport Premium Breakdown

Our school was awarded £17,810 in Primary PE and Sport Premium Funding.

During the 2018/19 school year, we made the following purchases:

Amaven PE Software – £1254

Teacher PE CPD – no cost through Amaven Programme and South Ribble Sports

Sport and PE annual Update: £150

PE Equipment / Zoning: 3 way shooter £1220, Kirby Ball Game £36, netballs, skittles, balls, PE Kit Bags - £135

Transport to Sporting Events - £390

Specialist Sports Coaches £650 Chance to Shine Cricket

Sports Day - no cost

After Schools Clubs – no cost

Sports Competitions £1500– Brownedge St. Mary’s

Active Coaching Programme £1750 through South Ribble Sports

Water Bottles – whole school - £537

Mental Health and Wellbeing:

Confident Minds (Growth Mindset) £510

Counselling £1,320

Family Support Worker £4905

Health and Wellbeing INSET for staff £225

Educational Psychologist support: £3228


Key Indicator 1: The Engagement of all Pupils in Regular Physical Activity


Objective: Ensure every pupil takes part in a minimum of 30 minutes physical activity every day in school

Actions: Movement of the Day, home activity plans, highly active PE Lessons, teacher CPD, Daily K.

School Spending: Improvements to Playground: PE and zoning equipment £1391

School Results: Please see the report below from Amaven, which shows how the pupils core skills progressed during the course of the year. Pupils are assessed three times each year by South Ribble coaches. Each family can access their child’s bespoke activity area online. Further activities are suggested for home. Therefore P.E. ‘Homework’ now has a high profile.

Plans for the Future:

Further promote the use of Amaven both in school and at home.


Key Indicator 2: The Profile of PE and Sport being Raised Across the School as a tool for whole school improvement

Objective: Raise awareness about the impact of PE and sport. Ensure pupils and parents understand the benefits of engagement.

Actions: Broader range of lesson plans, school games, dashboards for teachers, dashboards for parents and pupils, impact reports, gifted and talented pathways, extra support for emerging pupils, sports clubs at lunchtime and after school, Movement of the Day.

School Spending: Through the Amaven Programme – £1,254.

School Results: Improvement in the quality of P.E. lessons. Greater understanding for staff of children’s development of core skills.

Plans for the Future: P.E. is part of the School Improvement Plan.


Key Indicator 3: Increased Confidence, Knowledge and Skills of All Staff in Teaching PE and Sport


School Objective: To build confidence among teachers and ensure all staff members have a good understanding of physical literacy.

School Actions: Our teachers have access to interactive PE lessons with video content. Visual demonstrations of new tasks and activities. We have improved our PE curriculum and assessment framework. PE teachers are receiving more support resources. All teachers are being trained in movement skills, physical literacy, and the delivery of active lessons.

School Spending: Active Coaching Programme South Ribble Sports £1750

School Results: Teachers report increased engagement with the PE curriculum. They are confident in their abilities and look forward to delivering active lessons. There is less concern for the future, because staff know they can continue to upskill

Plans for the Future: Continue to upskill teachers, especially new members of staff. Continue to access high quality CPD.



Key Indicator 4 - Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils


School Objective: To provide pupils with a broader selection of sports and physical activities.

School Actions: A wider range of sports is offered through coaches in extra-curricular activities e.g. fencing, cricket, taekwando. Teachers continue to offer a wide range of sporting activities. During the year clubs have included: Football (mixed teams), netball (mixed teams), cross country, tennis and multi-skills. Through the Year 6 residential, a wide range of outdoor pursuits are offered, including: caving, canoeing, climbing, abseiling, hiking, orienteering.

School Spending: Active Coaching Programme South Ribble Sports £1750, Chance to Shine Cricket £650

School Results: There is a high take up of the extra-curricular activities. All the Year 6 children attended the residential.

Plans for the Future: Continue to promote a wide range of sporting activities.


Key Indicator 5 - Increased participation in competitive sport


School Objective: To increase participation in competitive sport

School Actions: Competitions are accessed throughout the year. These included: netball, cricket, Ollerton Cup (football), swimming.

Our Sports Day continues to be competitive to allow all children to experience competitive sport.

School Spending: Sports Competitions through Brownedge St. Mary’s High School £1500, transport £390

School Results: Winners of the South Ribble Netball League. The team went on to compete in The Lancashire Youth Games. Runners up in the Leyland Swimming Gala.

Plans for the Future: Increase the number of children given the opportunity to take part in competitive sport.



Swimming Information

The percentage of our Year 6 pupils, who left in July 2019, who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m was 97%

The percentage of our Year 6 pupils who can use a range of strokes effectively (Freestyle, Backstroke and Breaststroke) was 90%.

The percentage of our Year 6 pupils who can perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations was 90%.


Mental Health and Well Being

We promote mental health and well-being in our school, this is embedded in the PE and Sports Provision. For example through mindfulness, growth mindset and bespoke support for the most vulnerable through counselling and our Family Support Worker.

School Spending: Mental Health and Wellbeing: Confident Minds (Growth Mindset) £510, Counselling £1,320, Family Support Worker £4905, Health and Wellbeing INSET for staff £225 and Educational Psychologist support £3228.






Whole School Core Skills Report 2018 - 19

End of Year Sports Premium Report 2017/18


Sport Premium Funding is there to help schools achieve self-sustained improvements in PE and sports.

Our school is using the money to make long lasting changes that ensure the continued development of PE teaching, activities, and opportunities. The goal is to enhance current resources and diversify the range of sports available to pupils.

With this funding, we can ensure every child has the chance to live a fit and active life.

In this report, the school breaks down Sport Premium spending. We outline our purchases and how they relate to the 5 Key Indicators of Improvement:

1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles.

2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.

3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching and sport.

4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.

5. Increased participation in competitive sport.


PE and Sport Premium Breakdown

Our school was awarded £17,810 in Primary PE and Sport Premium Funding.

During the 2017/18 school year, we made the following purchases:

Amaven PE Software – no cost to the school free trial through South Ribble Sports

Teacher PE CPD – no cost through Amaven Programme and South Ribble Sports

PE Equipment £410

Improvements to Playground £9318 Wet Pour surfacing to trim trail plus repairs to trim trail structure

Transport to Sporting Events - £390

Specialist Sports Coaches £650 Chance to Shine Cricket

Sports Day - no cost

After Schools Clubs – no cost

Sports Competitions £1600 – Brownedge St. Mary’s

Active Coaching Programme £1905 through South Ribble Sports

Mental Health and Wellbeing: Confident Minds (Growth Mindset) £510, Counselling £1,160, Family Support Worker £1860


Key Indicator 1: The Engagement of all Pupils in Regular Physical Activity


Objective: Ensure every pupil takes part in a minimum of 30 minutes physical activity every day in school

Actions: Movement of the Day, home activity plans, highly active PE Lessons, teacher CPD, Daily K.

School Spending: Improvements to Playground: £9318 Wet Pour surfacing to trim trail plus repairs to trim trail structure, PE and zoning equipment £410

School Results: Please see the report below from Amaven, which shows how the pupils core skills progressed during the course of the year. Pupils are assessed three times each year by South Ribble coaches. Each family can access their child’s bespoke activity area online. Further activities are suggested for home. Therefore P.E. ‘Homework’ now has a high profile.

Plans for the Future:

Further promote the use of Amaven both in school and at home.


Key Indicator 2: The Profile of PE and Sport being Raised Across the School as a tool for whole school improvement

Objective: Raise awareness about the impact of PE and sport. Ensure pupils and parents understand the benefits of engagement.

Actions: Broader range of lesson plans, school games, dashboards for teachers, dashboards for parents and pupils, impact reports, gifted and talented pathways, extra support for emerging pupils, sports clubs at lunchtime and after school, Movement of the Day.

School Spending: Through the Amaven Programme – no cost this year.

School Results: Improvement in the quality of P.E. lessons. Greater understanding for staff of children’s development of core skills.

Plans for the Future: P.E. is part of the School Improvement Plan.


Key Indicator 3: Increased Confidence, Knowledge and Skills of All Staff in Teaching PE and Sport


School Objective: To build confidence among teachers and ensure all staff members have a good understanding of physical literacy.

School Actions: Our teachers have access to interactive PE lessons with video content. Visual demonstrations of new tasks and activities. We have improved our PE curriculum and assessment framework. PE teachers are receiving more support resources. All teachers are being trained in movement skills, physical literacy, and the delivery of active lessons.

School Spending: Active Coaching Programme South Ribble Sports £1905

School Results: Teachers report increased engagement with the PE curriculum. They are confident in their abilities and look forward to delivering active lessons. There is less concern for the future, because staff know they can continue to upskill

Plans for the Future: Continue to upskill teachers, especially new members of staff. Continue to access high quality CPD.



Key Indicator 4 - Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils


School Objective: To provide pupils with a broader selection of sports and physical activities.

School Actions: A wider range of sports is offered through coaches in extra-curricular activities e.g. fencing, cricket, taekwondo. Teachers continue to offer a wide range of sporting activities. During the year clubs have included: Football (mixed teams), netball (mixed teams), cross country, tennis and multi-skills. Through the Year 6 residential, a wide range of outdoor pursuits are offered, including: caving, canoeing, climbing, abseiling, hiking, orienteering.

School Spending: Active Coaching Programme South Ribble Sports £1905, Chance to Shine Cricket £650

School Results: There is a high take up of the extra-curricular activities. All the Year 6 children attended the residential.

Plans for the Future: Continue to promote a wide range of sporting activities.


Key Indicator 5 - Increased participation in competitive sport


School Objective: To increase participation in competitive sport

School Actions: Competitions are accessed throughout the year. These included: netball, cricket, Ollerton Cup (football), swimming.

Our Sports Day continues to be competitive to allow all children to experience competitive sport.

School Spending: Sports Competitions through Brownedge St. Mary’s High School £1600, transport £390

School Results: Winners of the South Ribble Netball League. The team went on to compete in The Lancashire Youth Games. Runners up in the Leyland Swimming Gala.

Plans for the Future: Increase the number of children given the opportunity to take part in competitive sport.



Swimming Information

The percentage of our Year 6 pupils, who left in July 2018, who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m is 100%

The percentage of our Year 6 pupils who can use a range of strokes effectively (Freestyle, Backstroke and Breaststroke) was 100%.

The percentage of our Year 6 pupils who can perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations is 100%.


Mental Health and Well Being

We promote mental health and well-being in our school, this is embedded in the PE and Sports Provision. For example through mindfulness, growth mindset and bespoke support for the most vulnerable through counselling and our Family Support Worker.

School Spending: Mental Health and Wellbeing: Confident Minds (Growth Mindset) £510, Counselling £1,160, Family Support Worker £1860


Whole School Core Skills Report 2017 - 18

End of Year Sports Premium Report 2016/17

This year’s spending

This year we have received a total of £8933

Sports Development coaching: £2930

SSP Infrastructure and competition: £1500

‘Chance to Shine’ cricket coaching £250

P.E resources/equipment: £100

Playground zoning costs to date: £300

Total spent: £5080

Money remaining: £3,853 minus further improvements to the playground.

Curriculum P.E

Teaching staff have continued to work alongside qualified coaches from the South Ribble Sports partnership in delivering high quality coaching sessions. The teaching of P.E in both key stages is either good or outstanding with a continued focus on: netball (invasion), cricket (striking and fielding), gymnastics, athletics and dance. Swimming lessons have continued in Year 5.

Extra-curricular sport.

The school provides an extensive sports club programme including cross-country, football, rugby, hockey, taekwondo, netball and rounders.

Participation in school sport clubs and out of school sport clubs remains high.

Playground Zoning

In January 2017 playground zoning for the junior children was introduced. Each morning and afternoon playtime, the playground is divided into a number of zones. In each zone, young leaders from the Year 6 class lead a variety of small games which aim to develop skills such as: rolling, throwing, catching, dodging etc. The zoning has proved to be a huge success with children now much more active at playtime and with much improved skills. Furthermore, teachers have noticed improved behaviour on the playground and as a result less issues to deal with after playtime.



‘The Daily K’

From September this year, each year group has been out either running, jogging or walking for 10 minutes on the playground each day. Most children average a Kilometre each day, with some doing more and some doing less. It is not PE, sport or cross-country but a physical activity which is aimed at improving the children's physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing. Furthermore, the daily kilometre has helped children to focus and concentrate in the classroom and in turn, raised their attainment.

Next Year’s Spending Plan

SSP Infrastructure and competition (See below): £1600

Sports Development coaching (See below): £3,595

‘Chance to Shine’ cricket coaching £250

Resurfacing the trim trail area: £TBC
