Hello and a big warm welcome from the PTFA to all pupils, parents and friends of St. Mary’s Primary School Euxton. Our principle aim as PTFA is to raise funds and assist the school in providing an enriched curriculum for our children and enhance their learning experiences. We are very fortunate at St. Mary’s to have a thriving PTFA that is and has been an integral part of the school community for many years. Our main function is to run a variety of fundraising events during the year to provide pupils, parents, staff and friends of the school the chance to meet, socialise and have some fun! Hopefully this guide will help you, particularly if you are new to the school, to understand more about the events that take place throughout the year and as a parent/carer of a child at the school you automatically become a member of the PTFA!
The PTFA is a registered charity (No.1045111) and we keep our members up-to-date through newsletters, on this website and also through specific invitations for events sent out in book bag.
Thank you to Experience Days for a £50 voucher for our Christmas Raffle.
The easiest way to find out what goes on is to attend a PTFA meeting, our structure is fairly informal although we do have elected members to act as Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. Our meetings are held once a month (sometimes in the pub!) and generally last about an hour. There is a common misconception that if you attend a meeting you will be given a job to do! That really is not the case but, if you are able to support the work of the association in any way, we would be very pleased to hear from you. If you don't want to come along to our meetings but have fundraising ideas please let us know. Everyone has something to offer….
Being a registered charity gives us the opportunity to raise money through Charity Matched Giving Schemes. This is a very simple practice where companies and businesses pledge to match the amount of money donated or fundraised by employees to a charity. Please contact us if you think your company would be interested in helping us in this way.
Do you work for one of these companies?
If you do and are willing to help the PTA
With matched funding please email
Chairperson: Rachel Singleton
Treasurer: Emma Pearson-Cougill
Secretary: Chelsea Hall and Claire Booth
Email: esmptfa@gmail.com